Program Notes:
Commissioned in 2021 for Seraphour’s debut studio album of the same name, Angele Dei takes the simple Latin prayer and expands upon it in an exploration of musical color and texture. The text of the piece is presented in an emotionally dynamic manner. There are moments that feel like a modern chorale juxtaposed with sections that weave individual phrases through different parts of the ensemble (creating an effect where one voice starts a sentence and the other voices complete it). In addition, the harmonic language constantly shifts between consonance and dissonance representing the ever changing dynamic of spirituality and the fullness of a life in prayer. What begins as a solitary voice seeking guidance is uplifted by the addition of a community, typifying the one and the many in prayer – the body of Christ.
Angele Dei,
qui custos es mei,
Me tibi commissum pietate superna;
Hodie, illumina, custodi, rege, et guberna.
SSAA a cappella
Purchase includes PDF of score.
(Purchasing the score allows you the ability to distribute and perform with your choir royalty free, no matter how large the ensemble. You may not distribute the music to ensembles other than your own)